
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Green Tea Pregnancy

Green Tea and Pregnancy -

Pregnant women would be wise to limit the amount of green tea they drink during pregnancy, and should be careful about taking any green tea supplements.

Green tea can block various chemicals and enzymes in your body that are extremely important for the proper nervous system development of your baby.

The EGCG molecules are structurally similar to a compound called methotrexate.

Methotrexate is able to kill cancer cells by chemically bonding with an enzyme in the body called enzyme dihydrofolate reductase.

It also makes it difficult for the body to absorb iron from the food and this is one another reason as iron is another important nutrient required during pregnancy.

The tea is also a low caffeine beverage and is recommended over coffee which is analyzed to have five times more caffeine over green tea.

To know about, "Does Green Tea contain Caffeine?" visit,

How Much Caffeine in Green Tea

Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Much Caffeine in Green Tea

Does Green Tea have Caffeine ? -

You can drink an average of 4 cups of green tea a day without affecting your health in any way.

However, if you go over that limit, might have to suffer from various problems like - sleeplessness, restlessness, headaches and feelings of nausea.

Just avoid drinking green tea in the evening, for your good night's sleep.

Caffeine only really starts to become a serious issue when you become addicted to it.

So After about discussion, your "Is there caffeine in green tea?" - this question will definitely proper answer.

Just buy Green Tea in decaffeinated form if you are worried or have a sensitive stomach.

Only heat the water to 80 degrees C and pour the water over the leaves. After about 1 minute, drain this water away and pour some fresh water on the leaves.

After about a further 1 1/2 minutes you should have a perfect brew.

You won't find the Chinese or Japanese boiling their water for their tea ceremonies.

Green Tea Health Benefits -

Lowers cholesterol, you can loose weight with help of it by burning calories
Reduces high blood pressure, Prevents arthritis
Boosts your immune system, Lowers blood sugar
Slows the aging process, Reduces the risk of stroke
Lowers the risk of blood clot

It may be fine for preventing aging in skin, but will do nothing to help your acne.

It has antioxidants which will slow down collagen breakdown, hence it will help to keep skin young looking and delay the onset of wrinkles.

Get Glowing Skin Naturally with Effective Home Remedies

Many people are looking for Home Remedies for Glowing Skin to get Glow skin.

However if you want healthy skin you can achieve it without forking out on expensive cosmetic products with Healthy Life Style.

(1) You need plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and dairy in order to have Healthy skin and body.

Do your skin and body a favor and only eat fresh foods. Broccoli is a great food to eat if you have acne and fish is great for your skin in general.

You should also consider foods that contain vitamin C and E as they contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the skin from the damage of the sun and free radicals.

Many vegetables also contain vitamin B which forms the basis of skin cells plus vitamin A which maintains their health.

(2) Drink lots of water to keep your skin supple and moist.

When the water is drawn from the skin to take care of major organs, you may notice that your skin is very dry and even flaky or it is extremely oily. Drinking lots of water, though, combats that and keeps your body balanced.

(3) If you do not get an adequate amount of sleep it leads to dark circles under the eyes plus it will increase your stress levels. Stress isn't conducive to skin health leading to acne, eczema, rosacea, cold sores and blisters.

So, 7-8 hours sleep per night is recommended.

(4) Your makeup can mean the difference between great, glowing skin and acne or dry flaky skin.

The mineral makeup that is gaining popularity lately is actually a makeup that is good for your skin.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss Diet Plans 2011

To truly lose the weight, you must put in hard work, self- restraint, commitment, and sweat.

However, there are a few things you can do to lighten the load and keep yourself motivated to keep it up.

Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss Plan Programs -

Workout systems those are fun and motivating for you.

Exercise should not be a boring monotonous chore.

You should leave your workout feeling stronger, more confident, and looking forward to coming back.

Fitness boot camps have become all the rage lately because many people find them stimulating and encouraging.

It is also almost impossible to know the correct exercises for your body type all by yourself.

Jennifer Hudson Diet -

There are unique diets, such as the junk food diet.

As long as you count your calorie intake. This may work for those who have will power, because over indulging is the one weakness that may break this diet.

Other diets going strong are the slim fast diet. This is where you replace one or two meals out of your day with either a shake, or a whole grain bar with a bottle of water. The plus to this diet, is if you're an active person, replacing those two meals will be fulfilling, but allow the body to burn fat.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss Diet Stories 2011

Just like Kelly Osbourne, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way, which is eat well and exercise. However thankfully from all the scientific research, there are now several shortcuts which you can take to make things a lot easier.

Celebrity weight loss strategies portrayed before the eyes of the public may be rife with melodrama and intrigue, but some of them are actually inspirational stories about the triumphs of determined high-profile individuals to win against the battle of the bulge.

Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets are not depriving herself from cheeseburgers and sweets, one of her many food favorites.

By incorporating her favorite foods into a healthy diet plan or balancing her nutritional intake so she can still eat, she can still keep her body fit and healthy.

Although she has admitted to being lazy when it comes to exercising, she still makes sure that she has the time to do her 30-minute exercise routine.

Generally, Celebrity Weight Loss Stories have main character called "vinegar", actresses chug down once a day helps suppress her appetite and speeds up her body's metabolism.

Apple cider vinegar has also been known to cleanse and detoxify the body with little to no known side effects.

Many Weight Loss Celebrity regimen was easy with Celebrity Diets and religiously exercised for one to two hours daily through dancing Salsa, doing weight lifting, practicing Capoiera and doing Pilates Workout.

Her fitness trainer also visits her home twice or thrice a week to help with her exercising regimens.

Adriana also restricted carbohydrates in her diet while avoiding caffeine-rich and processed foods to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Pale Skin Hair Colours Makeup

White pale skin has always been highly adored, especially if it is unblemished and smooth.

The color of the skin will basically depend on the climate in the area that you are living.

The problem with skin lightening products is that they contain many harsh chemicals such as hydroquinone and acids, which bring the skin a lot more harm than good. If you want an effective way of achieving pale skin without the danger of side effects, make sure you go natural.

The primary components of these products include Cynergy TK, Coenzyme Q10 and also Phytessence Wakame. These products are used in order to produce collagen within the body and this will help to provide you with beautiful skin, which is pale colored.

Cynergy TK contains a functional ingredient that is known as keratin which provides the skin with elements that develop collagen within the body.

Phytessence Wakame derived from algae that are grown within region of Japan which is natural source of vitamins and these are required for healthy glowing skin.

Coenzyme Q10 required for anti oxidants which are used to reduce radicals that come form the skin and this protects the skin from all of the harmful elements within the environment and the ultraviolet radiations that come from the sun.

Makeup for Pale Skin -

A yellow or beige tint to your base should be enough to minimize the slight redness from your skin if you are prone to acne or if you've been exposed to the elements for too long.

Make sure the color match is perfect, because if your base is too dark, you will look like you are wearing a mask.

Go easy using bright colors on your eyes, as on pale skin they tend to be a bit too much.

Hair Colors for Pale Skin -

If you have very pale translucent skin then coloring your hair jet black can be pretty drastic and make you look like something out of a vampire movie but then again if you are into the 'vampish' look then pale skin with dark hair and bright red lipstick might be just your thing.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Skin Lesions Types Causes Treatments

Lesion word is originally from "Latin Language".

It means injury or any abnormal tissue in the body.

Skin Lesions Types -
There are main 3 - cysts, moles or even warts The reasons for their manifestation are varied including autoimmune processes, Neoplasm, infection as well as trauma.

Seborrheic keratosis is a type of skin lesion quite itchy, itchiness is found to increase with age that looks dangerous albeit being benign.

They may occur in various sizes and types.

Most of them arise from the epidermis or uppermost layer of skin and do not go too deep into the skin like warts, which are caused by Human papilloma viruses.

Keratoacanthoma is another type that is benign and self-limiting.

Found on exposed skin, generally on the hands and face with size up to 3 cm in diameter.

It can be treated by excision biopsy but at times may need radiation therapy for complete cure.

Surgery is the most common method of removal. Warts can be removed by freezing them off using liquid gas.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Loose Skin After Weight Loss Pregnancy

Now days, Weight Loss become really popular trend for both men and women. But losing weight we built another problem for our body - Loose Skin. Yes It can happen.

As per my knowledge, below given are main causes for "Loose Skin After Losing Weight" -

(1) Losing fat too quickly

Many people have "Rapid Loose Weight" in their mind that's why are they are completely forget about what will happen after using those techniques.

(2) Age

With our older age, skin become poor elasticity, even lose elasticity, so the skin may not go back for ever.

(3) Fat Loss without exercises to build muscle -

With fat losing, fat cell shrink, if they do not tone up muscles to take up the space under the skin, it may result in flabby skin too.

Now its time for Prevention for this condition,

Try to lose weight slowly, reducing one to two pounds a week is recommended.
Do weight training when you are losing weight.
If you are old, since your skin elasticity weakens, getting flaccid skin seems unavoidable.

Loose Skin After Pregnancy -

Replacing fat with muscle is the number one way to tighten everything up.

Finding a program that allows you to eat good food and sensibly while strength training will improve how you body looks after birth.

Loose skin is simple stored fat that still needs to be burned off.

Dry Scaly Skin Patches Causes Treatments

Our whole body has natural oily layer and whenever in our life, it is going to dry, "Dry Scaly Skin Patches" will appear.

Generally they are appearing face or at leg.

With this condition, your skin is unable to produce enough oil and moisture for the body to replenish the amount of water and oil being lost.

Now let's see "The Main Causes of Scaly Skin Patches?" -

(1) dehydration - with Body ages or due to a variety of other external causes.

(2) Athlete's Foot Infection - Nothing but one form of fungus that produces dry white scaly, and sometimes reddened skin.

Before you jump to any of your conclusion, I want to specify that, this disease is similar to "Ringworm" but different from diseases like eczema and psoriasis.

Scaly Skin Treatments -

Moisturizers can be used for temporary relief as they tend to retain the moisture in the body.

"Canadian Brown Algae" is highly nutritious, provides omega-3 fats, vitamin A, several of the B vitamins, iodine, potassium, iron magnesium and calcium.

The minerals are important for maintaining the skin's moisture balance.

Vitamin E is an effective preservatives and the for dry scaly skin contains it. It can reverse the damage done by overexposure to the sun and help protect you from future damage too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No More Acne Tips for Those Looking to cure it

Acne – “One of the Common Skin Diseases for Many Teenagers nowadays”

Where this skin infections affects - on the face, back, and neck

It is one of the most embarrassing disease specially for women. I think natural treatment of this disease will be ideal to get rid from this.

Be aware very first about which products you are using for Acne Treatments.

There are many types of over the counter treatments are available in the market. Some of them may contain certain chemical ingredients which could harm your skin.

As like other disease cures, natural way also one of the way to cure it, will also not get any side effects for Healthy Skin.

Natural Acne Tips Cures -

(1) Honey Mask – Apply it at least twice a week for best results. The antibacterial property of it is helpful for disinfecting and healing blemishes and is gentle on sensitive skin too.

(2) Acne Soap - Sulfur based acne soaps are a very effective Natural Acne Treatments.

Use them two times a day to wash your face, once in the morning and secondly, before you go to bed.

Do not overuse them because they can stimulate the production of sebum which induces pimples.

(3) Vitamin A is also very important and strengthens your skin by preventing acne, reduces the production of sebum.

The vitamin is essential for maintaining and repairing the tissues of the skin. It is a strong antioxidant also. Beta-carotene or vitamin A is available in plenty in carrots. This is one really Best Acne Treatments.

If the skin does not receive all the necessary nutrients it usually fights back by producing more sebum, clogging pores and reducing your skin's ability to fight bacteria.

So supplement your diet with a potent multi-vitamin so that your skin receives all the vital nutrients.

If you have some pimples on your face avoid picking on them. This will only increase the infection and produce more.

Use a clean pillow case every day which can absorb the oil and dirt from your skin which can again cause the formation of pimples.

Just few days ago, I got one comment at below this post about "How to Get rid of Acne Overnight?"

So soon I will come with Effective Healthy Skin Tips for you at Here.

What is Asbestosis Causes

What is Asbestosis ? -

Asbestosis is a disease of the lung that causes a diffuse and fibrosing interstitial damage.

From exposure a sufferer may be diagnosed with a number of associated asbestos related diseases.

Pleural Plaques, Pleural Thickening, Asbestosis, Lung Cancer and the fatal Mesothelioma.

It starts to manifest around at least 10 years after moderate to severe exposure to asbestos.

Causes of Asbestosis -

Tight chest ; Lungs making a crackling sound ; A constant cough ; Chest pain

Shortness of breath all the time

finger nails are going to rounded and the finger tips are spread out more.

A less common symptom results in the ends of fingers becoming swollen, misshaped and red due to a fluid build-up, a condition known as finger clubbing.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Morning Sickness Remedies Symptoms Causes

What is Morning Sickness ? -

Pregnant women often find that the nausea common early in their pregnancy is the most acute in the morning, though this nausea can and does happen at any time of day or night.

About 70% of expectant mothers have some degree of nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, usually between the fourth and sixth weeks. Most women who do experience morning illnesses find that the condition abates by very early in the second trimester, but nausea can last longer in some women and a small number have severe morning sickness which is persistent well into the third trimester.

What causes Morning Sickness ? -

Electrolytes are electrically conductive substances in your body. These substances are important for many things, such as body hydration, blood pH, and nerve and muscle function. If you are low on electrolytes, your entire body suffers.

The estrogen and progesterone hormones fluctuate so quickly during the first trimester, it's hard to believe it wouldn't make you sick.

Another outcome of shifting hormones is that the muscles in your body are being relaxed through the additional amount of progesterone in your body. Your stomach then empties more slowly and this may be effecting your nausea during early pregnancy.

Once your body starts to form another life, the need for water only increases. In fact, dehydration is one of the number one causes of pre-term labor. So, drink up!

Morning Sickness Symptoms -

Signs begin approximately at the end of the first month of pregnancy, often lasting until the beginning of the third trimester.

Some women may suffer extreme symptoms for even longer, and they may need medical help to manage their pregnancy sickness condition and make sure that they receive the nutrition they need.

Anxiety is a factor that can make it even more difficult to cope with symptoms.

Morning Sickness Remedies -

An empty stomach only exacerbates the effects of nausea. Therefore, snacking often and eating smaller, more frequent meals is often helpful.

Snack on easy to digest foods such as crackers, whole wheat toast, a hot baked potato, cooked pasta, cooked rice, or fruit.

Ginger to be an effective spice in combating nausea which can be easily found in ginger ale, teas, and even specially designed ginger capsules or chews.

Avoid spicy, fried, or fatty foods. These include butter, margarine, mayonnaise, bacon, gravy, curry, pastries, fried meats and french fries.

Eat fruits and vegetables. Choose those with high water content such as tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, grapes and cabbage.

Put a couple of drops of lavender, mint or lemon essential oil on cotton balls and keep these in various locations. To help with nausea, use fennel, lavender and sandalwood oils to massage on your stomach.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Scabies Rash Treatments Symptoms Causes

What is Scabies ? -

Scabies is a microscopic "bug" that goes under the surface of the skin causing a rash. Its quite common and can happen to anybody.

It can live for up to 3 days outside of the human body.

The Scabies Rash caused by the mite occurs when the body develops allergic reactions to the scabies mites, the mites' feces, secretions, eggs and larvae.

The female scabies usually lays the eggs in channels just underneath the skin and in a couple of days mites develop.

With perfect Treatments of Scabies, we can kill the eggs as well as the adults.

This disease spreads rapidly under crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people, such as in hospitals, institutions, child-care facilities, and nursing homes.

Symptoms of Scabies -

Signs appear after the itch are an allergic rash that can look like pimples, welts, red bumps or sores.

The itching however is unmistakable. Yet, other skin conditions such as allergic eczema , impetigo and a hives rash can also be very itchy. The scabies rash may appear in the webs of your fingers, the wrist areas, around the hips and abdomen as well as on the trunk.

Scabies Treatments -

An effective cures should be able to eradicate the mites in only a few days. If used appropriately, treatments should be able to destroy the eggs and larvae too.

Cures usually consist of local ointments and creams which should be applied on the entire skin surface, not only in the regions that appear to be infested.

The most common medical creams used in scabies treatments today are Permethrin and Malathion. It applies on the affected regions of the skin. It is very well tolerated and needs to be kept on the skin for at least 8 hours before washing it off.

Malathion is a lotion that should be kept on the skin for 24 hours. When applying the local scabies treatment, you should insist in the areas where the mites tend to shelter. Remember to always reapply the scabies treatment on the skin after you wash.

These actions are very important in preventing the spreading of the mites to other people.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Xerostomia Definition Causes Symptoms

What is Xerostomia -

If I define the Xerostomia then its also known as "Dry mouth".

This subjective complaint of oral dryness often develops when the amount of saliva that bathes the mucous membrane of mouth is reduced.

But it is observed that the symptoms of it may occur without a measurable reduction in salivary gland output. Saliva is essential for the body because it has ability to rid the mouth of plaque, debris and sugar and helps keep harmful organisms that cause oral infections and cavities in check.

What Causes Xerostomia ? - Two Aging, dehydration, chemotherapy, Sjogrens Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, diabetes and a variety of autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of Xerostomia -

Let's check Diagnosis factors about this disease.

It can occasionally happen to anyone who is upset, or in condition of stress or nervousness.

If the condition of it persists for most of the time then it can be painful and can lead to serious health concerns and can be a warning sign of certain diseases and conditions.

It can cause too much difficulty in chewing, swallowing, tasting and speaking.

It can lead to significant oral complications including tooth decay and periodontal diseases.

Treatments of Xerostomia -

A person that lacks zinc, vitamins and iron can take supplements that will aid in the productions of saliva.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol, maintain good oral care and regular check-ups will also assist you to keep your mouth healthy.

Gentle brushing and flossing is helpful for your teeth. Use of toothpaste having fluoride is good for your teeth health.

The best home remedy for preventing dry mouth is to draw more moisture from the salivary glands by chewing carrots, celery or sugar free gum.

Drinking 8 to 10 cups of water a day, chewing ice chips and breathing through the nose are other helpful ways to treat it.

Reduce or eliminate acid-producing foods and beverages, including coffee, meat, processed food, fast food, soda, etc..

Consume as many fresh, raw fruits and vegetables as possible throughout the day.

Green, high water content veggies such as spinach, celery, broccoli, cucumbers, and lettuce will serve you very well.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

The importance of eating well-balanced meals cannot be over-emphasized in the life of a pregnant woman.

Eating a well balanced diet does not have to put a hole in the pocket. It just means taking the essential nutrients of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and minerals in the right proportions.

Eat the right foods and you can enjoy the many benefits of good health, including confidence in knowing that you're providing the absolute best for your baby.

(1) Raw Eggs -

Try to avoid eating raw eggs or any raw-egg containing foods because of bacteria causing food poisoning known as salmonella.

This health condition associated with diseases like typhoid fever and gastroenteritis.

Pasteurized eggs are better in food recipe than the unpasteurized.

(2) Raw Meat -

All uncooked and rare beef, pork, chicken meat or even sea foods should be steer clear.

All these foods can expose you and your baby to salmonella; coli form bacteria, brucellosis and all kinds of dangerous micro-organisms.

(3) Deli Meat -

Avoid eating deli meats known to be contaminated with listeria which may cause miscarriage and sometimes, premature birth.

Avoid unpasteurized milk, refrigerated pates and meat spreads.

(4) Alcohol -

There is no level or amount of alcohol that is good or safe for pregnancy.

There should be a total abstinence from alcohol even at post-parturition.

Alcohol consumption at pregnancy can result into child abnormalities and defects.

(5) Fish like king mackerel, shark, swordfish and tile fish are rich in mercury.

Mercury consumption at pregnancy has been associated with brain damage and developmental delays in babies.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Symptoms Treatments

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Its term used to describe the range of disorders that arise in children after exposure to alcohol during pregnancy.

They are entirely avoidable and the most common preventable cause of birth defects and brain damage in children.

The disorders in order of most to least severe are:

(1) Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
(2) Partial fetal alcohol syndrome (pFAS)
(3) Alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorders (ARND)
(4) Alcohol related birth defects (ARBD)

The more alcohol a pregnant woman drinks, the higher the risk of damage to herself and to the developing baby because of alcohol crosses the placenta and produces the same blood alcohol level in the fetal circulation.

Before few days ago, I read one article about Health Care Tips in which described that, Alcohol can damage fetal development is during the first trimester, specifically between three and six weeks, this is the time when organs are forming.

It can also increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.

Symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -

(1) Facial abnormalities, skeletal limb abnormalities, tremors (in the newborn infant), agitation and crying (in the newborn infant)
(2) Poor coordination/fine motor skills;Failure to thrive;Small head circumference
(3) Poor socialization skills, such as difficulty building and maintaining friendships and relating to groups.
(4) Growth, motor, and mental retardation
(5) Mental retardation and delayed development
(6) Slow physical growth before and after birth
(7) Incomplete development of genitalia

Fetal Alcohol Syndrom Treatments -

  1. Babies and children with alcohol-related damage often need developmental follow-up and, possibly, long-term treatment and care
  2. Pregnant alcoholic women should be involved in alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs and monitored closely throughout pregnancy
  3. If you're an alcoholic, don't get pregnant until you get help. Use birth control methods until you're able to control your drinking
  4. Heart abnormalities may require surgery
  5. A child with FAS may need help with social skills and memory