
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Atherosclerosis Symptoms Treatments Definition

What is Atherosclerosis ? -

Arteriosclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the blood vessels.

It refers to a thickening of the walls of the arteries due to the presence of calcium or lime.

It has become a common ailment in modern times, accounting for much of the disability and high death rate among older people.

Atherosclerosis Symptoms:-

The symptoms of arteriosclerosis vary with arteries involved.

Signs of inadequate blood supply generally appear first in the legs.

There may be numbness and coldness in the feet and cramps and pains in the legs even after light exercise.

If the coronary arteries are involved, the patient may have sharp pains, characteristic of angina pectoris.

When arteries leading to the brain are involved, the vessel may burst, causing haemorrhage in the brain tissues.

A cerebral vascular stroke, with partial or complete paralysis of one side of the body may result, if there is blockage with a blood clot.

It may also lead to loss of memory and a confused state of mind in elderly people.

If arteries leading to the kidneys are involved, the patient may suffer from high blood pressure and kidney disorders.

To know in detailed about prevention of this disease just visit,

Atherosclerosis Treatments

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