
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Atherosclerosis Symptoms Treatments Definition

What is Atherosclerosis ? -

Arteriosclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the blood vessels.

It refers to a thickening of the walls of the arteries due to the presence of calcium or lime.

It has become a common ailment in modern times, accounting for much of the disability and high death rate among older people.

Atherosclerosis Symptoms:-

The symptoms of arteriosclerosis vary with arteries involved.

Signs of inadequate blood supply generally appear first in the legs.

There may be numbness and coldness in the feet and cramps and pains in the legs even after light exercise.

If the coronary arteries are involved, the patient may have sharp pains, characteristic of angina pectoris.

When arteries leading to the brain are involved, the vessel may burst, causing haemorrhage in the brain tissues.

A cerebral vascular stroke, with partial or complete paralysis of one side of the body may result, if there is blockage with a blood clot.

It may also lead to loss of memory and a confused state of mind in elderly people.

If arteries leading to the kidneys are involved, the patient may suffer from high blood pressure and kidney disorders.

To know in detailed about prevention of this disease just visit,

Atherosclerosis Treatments

Monday, April 26, 2010

Leucorrhoea Causes Risk Factors

Leucorrhoea Causes

(1) Leucorrhoea does not develop suddenly in an acute form. It denotes a devitalized and toxic condition of the system generally.
The condition also involves one or many parts of the reproductive organs.

(2) Whenever the body is loaded with toxins due to wrong dietary habits and the eliminative organs such as skin, bowels, lungs, and kidneys are unable to eliminate the toxins, the body produces a profuse discharge or elimination through the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina in the form of leucorrhoea.In the case of advanced, chronic inflammatory conditions of these organs, it leads to discharge with pus, offensive in odour and color varying from cream to yellow or light green.

(3) In young girls, leucorrhoea may occur during the few years before and after the start of the menstrual flow. It may be due to an irritation of the genital organs caused by various factors such as dirt, soiled under garments, intestinal worms and excessive mental stimulation of masturbation. Some excess secretion is normal when the girl reaches puberty, due to over activity in her organs. This usually disappears within a short time.

(4) In your women, leucorrhoea may occur during intermenstrual periods, due to thickening of the mucous membrane in the reproductive organs. Such a discharge is associated with painful menstruation and other menstrual disorders.

(5) In mature women, a profuse yellowish discharge, associated with burning on urination, may because by gonorrhoea. This is a serious infection which should be treated promptly.

(6) During the child-bearing years, from adolescence to the mid-forties, the infection may sometimes follow the birth of a child due to damage of the cervix during delivery. This is increased by prolonged ill-health, anxiety, neurosis, sedentary occupation and standing for long periods. If not treated properly, this infection may continue for months or even years and may spread to other areas of the genital tract.

(7) Leucorrhoea may also result from a chill. A chill causes inflammation of the womb and vaginal membranes. Other common causes are the displacement of the womb and unhygienic conditions which attract bacteria to the geniral organs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Venereal Disease Treatment Cures

(1) Syphillis and gonorrhoea are quite amenable to successful treatment by proper dietary and other natural methods, leaving no ill-effects to mar the future life and happiness of their victims.

(2) Suppressive drugs employed by the modern medical system in the treatment simply halts the active manifestations of the disease in the victim’s system for the time being. The disease-poisons and the metallic drugs are still left in the patient’s system and these have a most destructive effect upon the tissues and structures of the body, especially upon the nervous tissues.

(3) The only safe way of treating venereal disease is fasting. All cases of syphilis and gonorrhoea can be cured through the agency of the fast. This will not only prevent dreaded after- effects, but will also greatly enhance the whole general health level of the patient by a thorough cleansing of his system.

(4) The juice of an orange, in a glass of warm water, may be taken during this period. If orange juice disagrees, vegetable juice may be taken. Each day while fasting, it should be ensured that the bowels are cleansed of the poisonous matter thrown off by the self-cleansing process now set up by the body. This can be achieved through a warm water enema. The fast may be continued from seven to 14 days.

(5) After the fast, the patient may adopt an exclusive fruit diet for further five days. He should thereafter gradually embark upon a balanced diet for three basic food groups as outlined in the treatment for impotence (chapter 75), avoiding all the foods mentioned therein.

(6) Vegetable juices are highly beneficial in the treatment of venereal diseases. Juices which are particularly helpful include those of carrot, cucumber, beet and spinach. The patient may make liberal use of carrot juice either in combination with spinach juice or cucumber or beet. Amaranth (chaulai ka saag) is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of gonorrhoea. About 25 Gms. Of the leaves of this vegetable should be given twice or thrice a day to the patient in this condition.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pleurisy Causes Risk Factors

Pleurisy Causes, Pleurisy Risk Factors

This disease can attack people of all ages, from children right through to the very elderly. Like any other viral infection, pleurisy can occur in small epidemics.

The most common among the immediate causes of pleurisy is that of ‘catching cold followed by congestion and swelling of the pleural membrane.

It is a disease that is not caused by germs.

There will be germs of putrefaction later in the ooze of serum from the tissue.

The disease may be a complication of pneumonia, or pneumonia may be a complication of pleurisy.

In a few cases, the diseases may also occur in rheumatic fever, uremia and other conditions.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Measles Treatments Cures

(1) Certain Measles Home Remedies have been found beneficial in the Measles Treatments.

The most valuable amongst these is the use of orange.

When the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered, the patient suffers from intense toxemia and the lack of saliva coats his tongue and often destroys his thrust for water as well as his desire for food.

The agreeable flavor of orange juice helps greatly in overcoming these drawbacks. Orange juice is the most ideal liquid food in this disease.

(2) Another Measles Cure Point is the juice of lemon. It also makes an effective thirst-quenching drink in measles. About 15 to 25 ml. of lemon juice should be taken diluted with water for this purpose.

(3) Turmeric (haldi) is beneficial in the Measles Natural Treatment. Raw roots of turmeric should be dried in the sun and ground to a fine powder. This powder, mixed with a few drops of honey and the juice of a few bitter gourd leaves , should be given to the patient suffering from measles.

(4) Powdered liquorice (mulethi) has been found valuable in relieving the cough, typical of measles.

(5) The child patient should be given this powdered liquorice mixed with honey.

(6) The use of barley (Jau) water has proved beneficial in case of troublesome cough in measles.

(7) This water should be taken frequently sweetened with the newly drawn oil of sweet almonds.

(8) The seeds of eggplant (baingan ) are stimulant. According to Dr. Sanyal of Calcutta, intake of half a gram to one gram of these seeds daily for three days will help develop immunity against measles for one year.

(9) Children having measles should not be allowed to mix with others. They should be given complete rest. Hygienic condition along with the above mentioned treatment will lead to speed recovery. Medications should be strictly avoided.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Measles Symptoms Children

Measles, a highly infectious disease, is very common in childhood. It is so common at this stage of life that nearly all children everywhere in the world go through this brief period of red spots. The disease appears in epidemic form, often in the winter season.

Measles Symptoms Signs:-

(1) The first symptoms which appear during 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus are feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes and dry cough.

(2) Rashes appear on the skin in three to five days after the onset of these signs.

(3) These rashes, which consist of small rounded spots with reddened skin in between, initially appear on the sides of the face and the neck and then gradually spread all over the body, appearing last on the extremities. Initially pink in color, these rashes grow darker as time passes.

(4) Measles is usually accompanied with slight fever and diarrhea. In rare cases of great severity, high fever and delirium may occur.

(5) Complications which can arise from this disease include pneumonia, bronchitis, and ear abscess. One serious but rare complication is the inflammation of the brain.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Acai Berry Pills – One Easiest Way for Powerful Remedy

Acai Berry Pills Reviews, Weight Loss Diets, Supplements, Tips, Facts

If you wanted a miracle cure for all your health problems in a natural and safe manner, nothing works as well as Acai berry pills. These pills contain all the antioxidants you need and are so easy to consume.

Acai berries have been recognized as nature’s most powerful source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In addition, they have the highest concentration of antioxidants to promote better health. While the berries are available in many forms the Acai berry pills are the easiest to consume.

What the Pills Contain:-

The genuine Acai berry products will contain another antioxidant compound in addition to Acai berry extracts. These compounds can be substances like green tea or chromium etc. The purpose of adding such nutrients is to boost the antioxidant power of the pills and to facilitate quicker weight loss.

Energy Boost:-

One of the best ways to distinguish a fake Acai berry product from a genuine one is whether it boosts your energy or not. Once you start taking the pills, try observing for a few days if your stamina and energy levels improve. If you see a noticeable difference it is a genuine product, else, it is fake.

High Fiber:-

The high fiber content present in Acai berry makes them a great choice as a colon-cleansing agent. These berries flush out toxins from the body and aid in cleansing the body from deep within. This is another reason why the pills work to achieve weight loss.

Omega Fatty Acids:-

Acai berries are rich in the good fats that are the Omega fatty acids. These help raise metabolic rates in the body. When the metabolic rate is high, the body automatically burns fat faster.

Improved Athletic Performance:-

Most sports enthusiasts will swear by the proven benefits of Acai berry. It has been known to provide a surge in stamina and energy, which is required in high intensity sporting events. It raises metabolism, enhances awareness and develops muscles. It comes as no surprise then that an increasing number of athletes prefer taking Acai berry pills on a regular basis. You can include it along with breakfast or dinner according to convenience.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Breath Holding Exercises Techniques Benefits

Breath Holding Exercises, Breath Holding Techniques, Fitness Tips, Healthy Living

During intermediate and advanced practice of rapid breathing and alternate nostril breathing techniques, the breath is held after full inhalation. With rapid breathing, the breath is held between groups of rapid breaths for just a few seconds initially and, after more practice, for as long as comfortable. With alternate nostril breathing, each completed inhalation is held for a few seconds initially and gradually extended to a period four times as long as the inhalation time--the time ratios for inhalation, breath hold, and exhalation being 1:4:2 in the final stage.

In more advanced practices, the breath may also be suspended after exhalation. The mind is focused inward during breath holding and may concentrate on a particular area of the body such as the heart or forehead regions.

During breath suspension, the head is bent forward with the chin pressing against the hollow of the throat, and the anal sphincter muscles are usually contracted. These techniques are called the chin lock (Jalandhra Bandha) and root lock (Moola Bandha) respectively.

The abdominal lock (Uddiyana Bandha) is applied in more advanced breath holding, but is performed as an independent practice first. In the initial practice, the person stands, bending forward slightly with the arms resting on slightly bent knees. As air is exhaled, the abdominal muscles are drawn back and up toward the spine, creating a hollow in the abdomen.

After maximum exhalation, the chin lock is applied and the chest is expanded, creating inhalation pressure against the closed air way, which further draws the abdominal region upward. When used with other breathing practices, the abdominal lock is initially used with exhalation. Later, chest expansion and abdominal muscle contraction are applied with breath holding after full inhalation, although inhalation pressure, of course, reduces as lung inflation increase.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Abdominal Breathing Exercises Techniques

The principal muscle involved in abdominal breathing is the diaphragm, a strong dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen.

When we breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and pushes downwards, causing the abdominal muscles to relax and rise. In this position, the lungs expand, creating a partial vacuum, which allow air to be drawn in. When we breathe out the diaphragm relaxes the abdominal muscle contract and expels air containing carbon dioxide. Of the two major types of breathing, diaphragmatic breathing is the most efficient because greater expansion and ventilation occurs in the lower part of the lung where the blood perfusion is greatest.

In children and infants the diaphragm is the sole muscle for respiration, so if you watch an infant breathing you should get a good idea of what diaphragmatic breathing is like.

As the diaphragm contracts it pushes the abdominal organs downwards and forwards, and this rhythmical massage gently compresses the organs and improves circulation.

Diaphragmatic breathing in conjunction with physical and mental relaxation has been found to reduce high blood pressure and anxiety significantly. When we are calm and composed our breathing is diaphragmatic, and since there is a reciprocal relationship between breathing and the mind, practicing diaphragmatic breathing leads to mental relaxation.

It is the most important tool available for stress management. It promotes a natural, even movement of breath which both strengthens the nervous system and relaxes the body. It is the most efficient method of breathing, using minimum effort for maximum oxygen. The following are the main benefits,

(1) Providing the body with sufficient oxygen.

(2) Expelling carbon dioxide adequately.

(3) Relaxing the body and the mind.

(4) Improving circulation to the abdominal organs.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Yoga Breathing Techniques Tricks

Yoga Breathing Practices may provide insights into valuable respiratory techniques and control of important variables.

These practices are intended to maintain optimum health--with particular emphasis on stress reduction--but have received little scientific attention. According to yoga tradition, the practices were developed by extensive personal experimentation and keen introspection of the results. The breathing practices, or pranayam, are one component of hatha yoga, which is intended to give one a healthy body and mind.

Reduction of hypertension and dramatic improvement of heart disease have resulted from integrated treatment programs that included yoga breathing practices. However, the roles of individual treatment components have not been delineated in these studies. A review of the scientific information related to yoga breathing practices may be useful for evaluating the role of breathing practices in these programs and for improving the practices or adapting them to special cases.

According to yoga tradition, certain breathing practices induce relaxation and calmness, whereas others are invigorating and arousing. In addition, certain practices are claimed to influence cognitive functioning of the brain hemispheres.

There are four basic types of Yoga Breathing Techniques:-

Dirgha Pranayama,Sukha Pranayama,Sukha Purvaka Pranayama,Vyaghrah Pranayama(the tiger breath)

Yoga encourages you to be more conscious of what is happening inside your body. Combined with yoga breathing exercises you develop a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity about yourself and your immediate environment. As you learn how to breathe correctly you are empowered to stay calm, to return to your centre and refocus your energy when going through a stressful situation.