
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Breathing Types Techniques

Proper breathing allows air to enter all areas of the lungs. This increases your chest movement, and strengthens the muscles used for breathing and coughing. These breathing exercises will help to decrease your rate of breathing, pain, and risk for lung infections.

You may find it helpful to do these exercises in front of a mirror so you can watch how you are breathing. Breathe in deeply and do the exercises slowly for the best benefit.

Do each breathing exercise 5-10 times, three times each day.

Breathe in through your nose. Purse your lips like you are going to blow a Whistle or blow out a candle. Breathe out slowly through pursed lips.

Lie flat on your back. Place a book on top of your stomach or lay your hands there. Take a breath in through your nose and feel the book or your hands rise. Slowly let the air out through your nose and feel the book or your hands lower. Your breaths should be easy and without effort.

Sit in a chair or stand up straight. Place both hands on the middle portion of your rib cage. While breathing in, try to push the sides of your rib cage out against your hands. Exhale slowly and repeat.

Sit in a chair or stand up straight. Place both hands on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose and push out your stomach so you feel your hands move. Let the air out slowly through your nose and pull your stomach back in.

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