
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Helicobacter pylori Bacteria - h pylori Symptoms Causes Prevention Home Herbal Remedies Treatments

Helicobacter pylori Bacteria h pylori Definition / What is Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria? :-

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral shaped bacterium that lives in the stomach and small intestine of humans and some animals. It can cause a vast array of symptoms both in the digestive system and in other parts of the body.
Symptoms Signs:-

H pylori causes an inflammatory response in the stomach, leading to gastritis. The disruption to the digestive process caused by Helicobacter pylori can lead to excess water being secreted into the intestines, causing diarrhoea. It is known that B vitamin and iron absorption does not function correctly when people have H pylori. If the infection stops food being digested and absorbed, metabolism cannot run properly, leading to fatigue. Helicobacter actually shuts down acid production in the stomach (which is why antacids like Nexium, Zantac and Prilosec should not be used long term). If food cannot be digested properly it can putrefy and cause bloating in the intestines.
Causes Risk Factors:-

One of the bacteria that live in your mouth and cause gingivitis is the helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. This bacterium is transmitted by kissing. Everyone have this bacterium in his or her mouth and stomach. You mostly likely got this when you were a youngster and were kissed by your parents and all kinds of relatives.
Home Herbal Natural Treatments Remedies Cure:-

Mastic Gum is a very good supplement to use against H pylori. Matula is the most effective herbal supplement for cleansing the stomach. 
The polyphenols in olive oil have been shown to have anti-H pylori action although there is no evidence that olive oil alone can completely eradicate the bacteria.
Vitamin U, which is not actually a vitamin at all, is a component of cabbage juice that has been shown in Russia to help heal ulcers.
It is possible to juice cabbage using a vegetable juicer. DGL is an abbreviation for deglycerrhized licorice root.
It protects the stomach lining and has shown some anti-microbial action against H pylori.

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