
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stress Relief Increase Fertility through Yoga and Acupuncture

Reduce Stress, Increase Fertility.

Is your job stressing you out?

What about you’re finances, relationships, mortgage, and the state of the economy?

It seems stress is an ever-present part of modern living, but this constant stress may very well be the reason why many couples are having a difficult time getting pregnant.

Studies have shown that stress can prevent pregnancy by increasing too many of the fight-or-flight hormones such as cortical and adrenaline, which can reduce sperm count and prevent ovulation. Stress hormones can interfere with these steps by preventing the actions of a key reproductive hormone known as gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH).

When GnRH is inhibited, it does not trigger the pituitary gland to produce and secrete other reproductive hormones.

Stress can also impact fertility by causing the increase of another reproductive hormone called Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone (GnIH). This hormone further impedes procreation by preventing the GnRH hormone from being released.

Ultimately, what this means is that stress works in more than just one way to impact fertility.

In addition to using traditionally recognized methods such as yoga and meditation to calm anxieties, acupuncture appears to be gaining popularity as a means to help counter the physiological effects of stress.

Dealing with stress is critical because when stress levels are too high, the body reverts to a protective evolutionary tactic, deciding that the timing isn't safe enough to proceed with a pregnancy.

Acupuncture works because of its ability to offset the damaging effects of stress through the stimulation of powerful beta-endorphins.

Acupuncture also helps boost fertility by improving nutrient delivery to vital areas such as the ovaries and uterus through better blood flow. But acupuncture isn't just for women. It can also help men mitigate the effects stress.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this informative and useful article.
