
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Psychotic Major Depression Symptoms

What is Psychotic Major Depression? -

Its a subset of major depression, where the depression has a co-existing form of psychosis. Its defined as a flawed view of reality.

You may find that some of the symptoms of psychosis include delusions, visual hallucinations or auditory hallucinations.

Psychotic Depression Symptoms -

(1) He/She is concerned that something is terribly wrong with his or her body, will claim that something is wrong with his or her physical health.
(2) Paranoid delusions and delusions of guilt are the most common signs of this illness.
(3) Some of experience delusional guilt believe that they are being punished for past misdeeds.
(4) Word salad or meaningless speech
(5) Schizophrenia are loose associations, flight of ideas and echolalia which is repeating what others say.

Depression with Psychotic Features Treatments -

(1) There are a variety of different medications that are used to treat individuals that suffer from this severe form of depression.
(2) With perfect cures, patients can stabilize the varying moods that the individual experiences.
(3) The medications used for this form of depression include antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, and special neuroleptic medications.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Postpartum Depression Definition Symptoms Quiz

Postpartum Depression Definition -

Post-Partum Depression is a depressive disorder experienced by some women following childbirth.

Post Natal Depression or 'Baby Blues' affects new moms usually within the first few days or weeks after giving birth.

It is a form of clinical depression and can last for a week, months or even a year in some cases.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms -

(1) New mothers might experience feelings of negativity towards their baby and lose interest in their son or daughter
(2) You might find yourself worrying that you are going to hurt your baby all the time
(3) Drastic or sudden weight and appetite changes
(4) Lack of motivation and loss of pleasure
(5) Sleep patterns change, some people might sleep more than usual, some might sleep less than usual
(6) Flirting with suicide, thoughts of suicide and the like
(7) Guilty feelings and feelings of worthlessness

Postpartum Depression Quiz helps us to ascertain whether we are suffering from this disease in the first place or not, and once the fact has been established, and it is found that depression is present, then the depression quiz also helps us ascertain the exact type and symptoms experienced.

How long does Postpartum Depression last -

It could last for many months, might last even up to a whole year. He/She will certainly feel as if this condition will not go away.

Nevertheless, we also need to make an effort to emerge out of our clinical-depression by engaging in healthy behaviors.

Postpartum Depression Exercises Treatments -

Physical exercise, meeting people and keeping yourself busy are a few of the main steps you can take to deal with it.

Control your sleep habits. Retire to bed early during the night and get out of bed early. Try to get up prior to 8 AM in the mornings and go to sleep by 10 or 11 PM during the night.

Make a plan to keep your brain occupied. An empty mind is a devil's workshop and it will continue going over doubts and harmful thoughts. Engage in some beneficial work.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Premature babies have most common breathing difficulties found -

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Idiopathic RDS
Hyaline Membrane Disease

RDS main cause is a lack of surfactant which is a substance that keeps the lungs of the premature baby open so that she is able to continue breathing.

It coats the air sacks inside the lungs allowing the release of carbon dioxide and the absorption of oxygen into the lungs to then be absorbed into the blood.

Surfactant is produced naturally by normal healthy mature lungs and a premature baby's body is too immature to produce this important thick liquid. Lungs mature very late in gestation and the earlier a premature baby is born the greater the problems that may arise.

When severe respiratory distress develops fairly acutely in a previously healthy person as a result of edema in the interstitium and alveoli it is termed ARDS.

This disorder is known by several names such as shock lung, wet lung, etc, since it may accompany different conditions such as shock, septicemia, inhalation of irritant gases etc.

The risk of RDS in the newborn can be assessed antenatally by the estimation of lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L/S) in the amniotic fluid. Administration of corticosteroids to the mother before delivery reduces the risk of RDS in the newborn.

Ayurvedic medicines for Respiratory Depression Symptoms can be used to improve treatment outcomes in ARDS and increase the chances for survival and a complete recovery. Since these patients are seriously ill, all medicines have to be fine-powdered and administered through a naso-gastric tube, along with honey and milk.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Respiratory Depression Symptoms Definition

The miracle of opioid pain relief is fatally limited by tolerance, addiction and Respiratory System Depression.

Opioids cause respiratory depression in the individual as it affects the specialized respiratory neurons in the brain.

Along with the common adverse effects, opioids have many possible uncommon adverse effects.

Uncommon or infrequent adverse reactions in opioid abusers include dose-related respiratory depression, bad dreams, hallucinations, seizures, urticaria, urinary retention etc.

Smell of alcohol or kerosene, severe respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, convulsions, constricted pupil, Cardiac arrhythmia's etc.

Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of Opiates.

Toxic effects of nalorphine include respiratory depression, hypertension, drowsiness and hypothermia.

Signs of increasing magnesium levels are hypotension, nausea, vomiting, depressed reflexes, respiratory depression, and coma.

Any analgesic capable of causing respiratory depression should be avoided if patient already shows any signs of respiratory impairment.

The program undergoes new inclusions and revisions on information on how to treat respiratory depression in infants at the time of birth.

Effects on central nervous system include drowsiness, coma, convulsions, and vomiting.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hematoma Treatments - Let's Cure it Perfectly

Hematoma - Its medical term for collection of blood under the skin, and in the muscle or inside an organ.

Usually, the blood tends to collect when blood vessels rupture.

It can occur in any part of the body, and therefore, there are many kinds of hematomas.

The most serious kind is the one that develops inside the brain, can occur in any part of it, based on the location of the hematoma, it is named.

Generally, It occurs when a person sustains a traumatic injury on the soft tissue of the body.

It has been seen that people who have weak blood vessels are more prone to developing hematomas.

The skin often gets discolored and may appear bluish or black in color.

The site of the hematoma will be painful and inflamed. When a hematoma occurs in the brain, it may or may not causes symptoms.

However, after a few days of sustaining the injury, the person may complain of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dilation of pupils, and drowsiness.

The treatment for hematoma is dependent on the type of hematoma, its size and its location. If the hematoma is superficial, then it may not require any treatment as it generally heals on its own in a few days time.

To alleviate the pain, ice packs can be applied to injury site many times a day. This will also facilitate the healing process. In case the hematoma occurs in the leg, then ice pack will help, but the person should restrict the movement of the affected leg.

Putting a compression bandage on the injury site will facilitate in the blood being resorbed by the body.

In case the hematoma is large, then a surgical procedure would have to be conducted to drain out the blood. This is also true for hematomas that develop after an invasive surgery.

If the hematoma is present within the soft tissue of the brain, it is treated as a medical emergency. If the size of the hematoma is small, then the patient will be carefully monitored as the hematoma is often resorbed by the body without any medical treatment.

However, if the hematoma does not disappear on its own in a few days time, then a small surgical procedure is necessary. The neurosurgeon will drill a small opening in the skull and suck out the accumulated blood through the hole.

However, if the hematoma is located in the dura, then craniotomy is required where the skull is surgically opened to remove the accumulated blood.