
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Psoriasis Symptoms Signs

Psoriasis Definition:-

Psoriasis is one of the most stubborn skin diseases. It is a chronic disease characterized by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches of skin. First appears at the age ranging from 15 to 30 years, although it may appear at any age. It is, however, rare in infancy and old age. Psoriasis is not contagious.

Psoriasis Signs:-

(1) Generally, the skin of the person suffering from psoriasis appears red and irritated and may be covered with bright silvery scales. Sometimes there is also a little itching.

(2) Areas usually involved are elbows, knees, and the skin behind the ears, trunk and scalp. The disease may also affect the underarm and genital areas.

(3) The lesions vary in size from minute papules only just visible, to sheets covering large parts of the body. Quite often, they are discs from 1.5 cm. to several centimeters in size. The lesions of psoriasis are always dry and rarely become infected.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eczema Causes Risk Factors

(1) Allergies play an important part in causing eczema. Some women get eczema on their hands due to an allergy to soap or detergents used to wash clothes or dishes. Some persons develop it around the fingers when they wear rings because of allergy to metals.

(2) Researchers at the of Texas Health Science Centre at San Antonio, in a recent study of children with atrophic eczema, found that 75 per cent were allergic to a number of foods. The most common triggers for sensitive persons are eggs, peanuts, chocolate, wheat, cow’s milk, chicken and potato.

(3) The real cause of eczema however is the failure of the human system to excrete the poisons from the various orifices of the body. Waste matter is excreted from the rectum through stools, from the bladder through urine, from the lungs through breath and from the pores of the skin through sweat. Sometime the pores of the skin are overworked as waste matter is not properly eliminated from the other orifices. If the pores are not given the chance to perform their normal function, the sweat will be full of morbid matter and this gives rise to skin diseases like eczema, acne, boils and other eruptions.

(4) Other causes include faulty metabolism, constipation, and nutritional deficienciesstress brought about by nagging spouses, jealousy, frustration and a host of other emotions. Suppressive drug treatment of the formal disease is also a most potent subsidiary causative factor in many cases.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dysentery Cures Treatments

(1) Among specific food remedies, bael fruit is, perhaps, the most efficacious in the dysentery treatment of both the varieties. Pulp of the fruit mixed with jiggery should be given thrice daily.

(2) To deal with a chronic case of dysentery, unripe bael fruit is roasted over the fire and the pulp is mixed with water. Large quantities of the infusion so made should be administered with jiggery.

(3) The pulp of the unripe fruit mixed with an equal quantity of dried ginger can also be given with butter milk.

(4) The use of pomegranate rind is another effective remedy for dysentery. About 60 grams of therein should be boiled in 250 grams of milk. It should be removed from the fire when one third of the milk has evaporated. It should be administered to the patient in three equal doses at suitable intervals. It will relieve the disease very soon.

(5) Lemon juice is very effective in dealing with ordinary cases of dysentery. A few lemons, peels and sliced, should be added to 250 ml. of water and boiled for a few minutes. The strained infusion should be administered thrice daily.

(6) Other remedies considered useful in the treatment of dysentery are the use of small pieces of onions mixed with curd and equal parts of the tender leaves of the peepal tree, coriander leaves and sugar chewed slowly.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dysentery Symptoms Signs

Dysentery is a serious condition affecting the large intestine. It is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the bowel, a colic pain in the region of the abdomen and passing of liquid or semi-formed stones with mucus and blood.

Dysentery Signs:-

(1) Dysentery may be acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and dysenteric motions.

(2) Yellowish white mucus and sometimes only blood from the intestinal ulcers passes with stools. The evacuations are preceded by pain and tenesmus.

(3) The patient feels a constant desire to evacuate, although there may be nothing to throw off except a little mucus and blood there is a feeling of pain in the rectum and along the large intestine.

(4) With the advance of the disease the quantity of mucus and blood increases. Occasionally casts or shreds of skin line mucous membrane, from small fragments to 12 inches or so long and an inch wide, are seen to pass out with motions.

(5) Sometimes pus is also thrown out with motions and often the smell of the stools becomes very fetid. All the digestive processes are upset and secretions are changed or stopped.

(6) The saliva becomes acid instead of being alkaline and the gastric juice itself may become alkaline. The stomach loses power to digest and absorb food.

(7) The bacilli create toxins and the fetid matters formed also augment further manufacture of toxins and consequent absorption in blood.

(8) Chronic cases are after-effects of acute attacks.

The patient does not recover completely. Stool remains putrid and may contain blood, while diarrhea and constipation may alternate, and general health is disturbed. In severe cases, the temperature may rise to 104 - 105 o F. It may occasionally become subnormal also.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Atherosclerosis Definition Treatments Cures

What is Atherosclerosis ? -

Arteriosclerosis is usually preceded by Atherosclerosis, a kind of degeneration or softening of the inner lining of the blood vessels walls.

The most risky places for such degeneration are the coronary vessels of the heart and the arteries leading to the brain.

Arteriosclerosis results in the loss of elasticity of the blood vessels, with a narrowing of the smaller arteries, which interferes with the free circulation of the blood. These changes may gradually extend to capillaries and veins.

Atherosclerosis Treatments

(1) If the causes of arteriosclerosis are known, remedial action should be taken promptly to remove them. To begin with the patient should resort to a short juice fast for five to seven days. All available fresh, raw vegetables and fruit juices in season may be taken. Grape Fruit juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice and juices of green vegetables are especially beneficial.

A Warm Water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the period of fasting.

(2) After the Juice Fast, the patient should take optimum diet made up from three basic food groups, namely seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables, fruits, with emphasis on raw foods.

(3) Plenty of Raw and Sprouted seeds and nuts should be used. Cold pressed vegetable oils, particularly safflower oil, flax seed oil and olive oil should be used regularly.

(4) Further, shorter fasts on juices may be undertaken at intervals of three months or so, depending on the progress being made.

(5) The Patient should take several small meals instead of a few large ones. He should avoid all hydrogenated fats and an excess of saturated fats, such as butter, cream, ghee and animal fat.

To know signs about this disease in detailed just visit,

Atherosclerosis Symptoms