
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tonsillitis Symptoms Treatments Remedies

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an infection and swelling of the tonsils which are oval-shaped lymph nodes located in the back of the mouth and the upper part of the throat. Our body has two sets of tonsils.

One pair can be seen at the back of the throat.

These are called the palatine or faucial tonsils.

The other pair is at the back of the tongue and is called lingual tonsils. Also part of the same group of lymph nodes are the adenoids, which are situated behind the nose, and above the throat. Their main function is to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms.

Tonsillitis commonly means the inflammation or infection of the palatine tonsils.

However, sometimes the infection can involve the lingual tonsils and other lymph nodes in the back of the throat, especially the adenoids. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing pharyngitis (infection of the pharynx).

Tonsillitis Causes :-

Tonsillitis is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection, mainly due to the Streptococcus, Pneumococcus and Haemophilus bacteria. Viruses such as the Adenovirus and Epstein-Barr virus may also cause tonsillitis. The infection spreads by:

(1) Coming in close contact with someone who has tonsillar or pharyngeal infection with the above organisms.

(2) Having a sore throat that develops into tonsillitis

(3) Sharing utensils or toothbrushes with people infected by or carrying streptococcal bacteria or the Epstein-Barr virus.

Tonsillitis Symptoms :-

Tonsillitis may be acute, sub-acute and chronic. Symptoms for acute tonsillitis include:

(1) Rapid onset of a severe sore throat that worsens over time

(2) Moderate to high fever

(3) Difficulty and pain in swallowing

(4) Red and enlarged tonsils that may or may not have pus

(5) Swollen or tender lymph nodes below the jaw

(6) Hoarseness or loss of voice may or may not be there.

Symptoms for sub-acute tonsillitis can last from 3 weeks to 3 months and include:

(a) Enlarged tonsils

(b) Foul smelling, pasty, infected material that collects within the pits on the tonsils

(c) Sore throat

(d) Bad breath

(e) Mildly swollen, tender lymph nodes

(f) Previous history of acute sore throat which has not been adequately treated by antibiotics and some pain has persisted.

Symptoms for chronic tonsillitis include:

(1) Enlarged and mildly red tonsils that are scarred with large pits

(2) Slightly enlarged lymph node that is not usually tender

(3) Sore throat off and on

Tonsillitis Diagnosis :-

The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and a physical examination of the patient. The tonsils are usually reddened and may have white spots on them. The lymph nodes of the jaw and neck may be enlarged and tender to the touch. A careful examination of the throat is necessary to rule out diphtheria and other conditions that may cause a sore throat.

A culture of the tonsils may show bacterial infection. A culture for the streptococcus bacteria may also be taken. A blood test may also be done to rule out a more serious condition or infection, and to check the white blood cell count. In some case, the doctor may ask for blood tests for glandular fever or mononucleosis, since most patients with mononucleosis develop streptococcal infections of the tonsils.

Tonsillitis Treatment :-

The treatment depends on the cause of the infection. Mostly, tonsillitis is caused by viruses and so antibiotics are ineffective. However, often a viral tonsillitis may lower the resistance, and be secondarily infected by bacteria. In these cases if the tonsillitis is not settling, antibiotics may prevent the bacterial infection. Only if the cause is a bacterium such as streptococcus, antibiotics are given to cure the infection. If oral antibiotics are used, they must continue for the full course and must not be discontinued after the patient feels comfortable, or the infection will not be cured completely.
Prevention :-

The bacteria and viruses that cause tonsillitis are easily spread from person to person. Avoiding exposure to anyone who is already suffering from tonsillitis or sore throat can lower the risk of transmission. Drinking glasses and eating utensils should not be shared. Old toothbrushes should be replaced to prevent re infection. People taking care of someone suffering from tonsillitis should wash their hands frequently to prevent spreading the infection to others.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rosacea Symptoms Treatments Preventions

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea (rose-ay-shah) is a common, long-lasting skin condition that causes inflammation and redness of the face. It usually starts with redness on the cheeks and nose, and also can affect the forehead.

Rosacea affects usually fair-skinned adults between ages 30 and 50 who have "peaches and cream" complexions and a history of blushing easily. Women develop rosacea more often than men, but men are more apt to develop lumpy enlarged noses, a condition called rhinophyma. Rosacea often is mistaken for sunburn, and often goes undiagnosed. It is a very treatable condition.

Rosacea Symptoms :-

There are four progressive stages of rosacea.

(1) First Stage :- Flushing and intermittent facial redness Second stage — Persistent redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead.

(2) Third stage :- Small, pus-colored or red bumps, along with tiny blood vessels that appear as red, thin lines called telangiectasias.

(3) Fourth stage :- Bumps and skin thickening of the nose.

Redness :- Facial skin redness looks like a sunburn or blush. This is caused by flushing, which occurs when excess blood rapidly flows through the skin's blood vessels, and the vessels enlarge to handle this flow. Gradually, this redness becomes more noticeable and does not go away. Facial skin also may become very dry.

Pimples :- Small, red and solid or pus-filled pimples may appear on the face. Because these pimples look like teen-age acne, rosacea has often been nicknamed adult acne or acne rosacea. However, rosacea has different causes than acne, and adults with rosacea do not have the whiteheads or blackheads (called comedones) commonly seen in acne.

Red lines (telangiectasias) :- Facial blushing or flushing causes small blood vessels to expand and eventually to show through the skin. These enlarged blood vessels appear as thin red lines (telangiectasias) on the face, especially on the cheeks. At first, telangiectasias may be hidden by the redness of flushing or blushing, but they usually reappear after this redness fades.

Nasal bumps :- Left untreated, rosacea eventually can create small, knobby bumps on the nose, which make the nose appear swollen. This condition is more common among men and is called rhinophyma.

Eye irritation :- Red, dry eyes develop in about half of patients with rosacea. Eye involvement is usually relatively mild. Rarely, severe involvement of the eyes develops. If untreated, it can affect vision.

Rosacea Prevention :-

There is no way to prevent the rosacea, but the symptoms can be reduced by recognizing these common triggers: hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, stress, sunlight, extreme heat or cold. These conditions increase blood flow and cause the small blood vessels in the face to widen (dilate). If you have rosacea, try to identify your particular triggers and either modify them or avoid them entirely.

To cleanse and moisturize your face, you should select facial products that do not burn, sting, irritate or cause redness when they are applied. You should wash your face with lukewarm water and a mild soap, using your fingertips to apply the soap gently. You should avoid toners, astringents, scrubs, exfoliating agents and products that contain alcohol or acetone. Hydroxy acids and tretinoin (for example, Retin A) may sensitize the skin to sun, and can worsen rosacea.

Sunscreens and sun blockers should be used regularly and liberally to protect the face. Use sunscreens with SPF factor of 15 or higher. If chemical sunscreens cause stinging, switch to physical sun blocks, which contain titanium or zinc oxide.

Rosacea Treatment :-

Antibiotics :- Topical metronidazole cream or gel (Metro Cream, Metro Gel) is the most frequently prescribed first-line therapy. Other topical antibiotics also may be effective.

Tetracycline and tetracycline derivatives, such as doxycycline, are drugs taken by mouth once or twice per day. They are sold under several brand names. Improvement is usually noticeable within the first two months after beginning treatment.

Azelaic acid (Finacea) :- It is a gel containing dicarboxylic acid, and is used for the inflammatory pimples of mild to moderate rosacea.

Beta-blockers and alpha antagonists :- These medications may reduce flushing through their effect on blood vessels.

Propranolol (Inderal) and nadolol (Corgard) are beta-blockers and clonidine (Catapres) is an alpha antagonist. The use of these drugs for rosacea is off-label, meaning that the FDA has not approved their use for rosacea.

Beta-blockers usually are used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. Clonidine was developed to treat high blood pressure, but also is used to decrease hot flashes in menopause.

Estrogen :- This female hormone is used when rosacea is aggravated by the hot flashes of menopause. The smallest dose of estrogen that controls menopausal symptoms should be used, then the hormone should be stopped when hot flashes no longer occur.

Laser treatment :- This is used to get rid of dilated blood vessels or to remove excess nose tissue.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bursitis Symptoms Treatments

It is a membrane near a joint that acts as a cushion between the muscle and bone. The bursa reduces friction caused by movement and makes the joint more flexible.

Its inflammation of a bursa. It is a common condition that often happens when a joint is overused, such as when throwing a baseball or painting a wall. More rarely, bursitis can be caused by gout or an infection.

Its more common in people who are overweight, elderly or diabetic, although it also develops in younger, healthy people without a clear reason.

The best way to prevent bursitis is to avoid repetitive motion of a joint, especially if you are overweight. Losing weight may reduce the risk of developing bursitis in your legs. If repeated stress on a bursa cannot be avoided, protective gear can help prevent bursitis. For example, carpet layers who spend time kneeling may need protective knee gear.

If you modify your activities and rest the joint, symptoms should go away within days or sometimes weeks. In the meantime, you may want to take an anti-inflammatory drug such as aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others) to relieve discomfort and reduce the inflammation. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and physical therapy also may be effective. If bursitis is caused by an infection, you will need to take an antibiotic. When the pain is intense or does not improve in a short period, your doctor may inject a corticosteroid drug directly into the area. However, repeated steroid injections over a short time can be damaging.

When it occurs repeatedly in the same joint, the bursa may be removed surgically, although this is very rare. Surgery also may be needed if you have an infection in the bursa that does not clear up when you take antibiotics.

Some include pain, swelling, and tenderness; all pain localized to and around the area of the bursa. Most commonly, bursitis is found in adults, especially for those over 40 years of age.

Local inflammation and chronic irritation associated with bursitis can develop from repetitive trauma.

The prepatellar (above the knee or patella) bursa is the most commonly affected and when inflamed is called "housemaid's knee."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Skin Care Tips -Body Odor Herbal Remedies,Causes,Prevention,Treatments

Body odor can be embarrassing and can cause relationship problems. They can also disrupt the office work environment and cause friction. The normal accepted way to control this body odor is to spray and a lot of cologne and perfume and trust in their efficacy.

It can happen to anyone at any time. It may be the arm pits that are smelling or maybe the feet. At times, the hair can also smell bad and bad odor can also come through sweat glands on the body. It is important to understand what is causing the bad odor and try to fix that problem rather than try cosmetic solutions which will work only in the short term.

It can be caused by the sweat glands getting rid of toxins which cause bad smell. It can also be caused by a local bacterial infection in the armpits.

Certain medicines can also cause a person's body to smell bad as the body secretes them out with sweat. Stress related factors can also cause the body to smell bad.

Poor diet and stress related factors are the primary cause of bad body odor. Every one sweats and sweat is essential to keep the body cool and to be stress. It is not recommended to use body deodorants that stop sweat formation in armpits ( for example) to try and control body odor.

This can cause more harm than good.

Follwing regime to control bad body smell.

Prepare a mixture of lime juice, sugar and a little salt (home made lemonade) and drink three glasses a day. (if diabetic, take it without sugar).This helps to remove toxins from the bod.

Sip ginger tea before and after meals. This helps in keeping sweat glands in check.

Cut out spices from your diet. Reduce intake of red meat and foods such as white bread and processed foods. Increase the intake of green vegetables, fresh fruits and raw and boiled vegetables in your diet.

Reduce intake of coffee and alcohol.

The above dietary changes will have an almost immediate effect on bad odor (odor). The body will start responding positively within a week to ten days and start smelling better.
In combination with the above lifestyle and dietary changes, I would also recommend the following herbal remedies.

Oak cotton wool pads in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the underarms and feet area. This helps fix the pH balance in the body and helps in reducing bad smelling bacteria and controlling minor infections if any.

You may alternate usage of apple cider vinegar with diluted lime juice. This will help control infections and provide vitamin C direct to the skin.

Add rose water to your bath water. Add it to your last rinse and it will help keep your body smelling cool and sweet for a long time.

Rubbing potato slices to problem areas also helps reduce body odor (odour).

Get your hair smelling good, by adding lime juice to your last rinse. This will help eliminate bacteria that may be causing bad smell. Lemon juice also helps restore the pH balance of the hair and scalp.

If your feet are smelling bad, you need to understand that your body is telling you to change your diet. Start wearing cotton socks ( and change them twice a day) so that the feet may breath easy and wear leather shoes, which breathe. Every evening dip your feet in hot water to which alum has been added.

Rub some potato slices to the soles to help control the smell. You may also sprinkle some baking soda on your feet before putting on the socks. Baking soda is a well known anti odor agent.

Eliminate body odor with dietary changes and herbal remedies. Use perfumes and colognes with discretion. Avoid deodorants and let your body sweat. This is the healthy, natural way.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Athlete's Foot Treatment Symptoms Remedies

What is athlete's foot?

Athlete's foot is a rash on the skin of the foot. It is the most common fungal skin infection. There are three main types of athlete's foot. Each type affects different parts of the foot and may look different.

Athlete's Foot Causes :-

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of skin. Fungi (plural of fungus) grow best in warm, wet places, such as the area between the toes.

Athlete's foot spreads easily. You can get it by touching the toes or feet of a person who has it. But most often, people get it by walking barefoot near swimming pools or in locker rooms. The fungi then grow in your shoes, especially if your shoes are so tight that air cannot move around your feet.

If you touch something that has fungi on it, you can spread athlete’s foot to other people-even if you don't get the infection yourself. Some people are more likely than others to get athlete's foot. Experts don't know why this is. After you have had athlete's foot, you are more likely to get it again.

Athlete's Foot Symptoms :-

Athlete’s foot can make your feet and the skin between your toes burn and itch. The skin may peel and crack. Your symptoms can depend on the type of athlete’s foot you have.

(1) Toe web infection usually occurs between the fourth and fifth toes. The skin becomes scaly, peels, and cracks. Some people also may have an infection with bacteria. This can make the skin break down even more.

(2) Moccasin-type infection may start with a little soreness on your foot. Then the skin on the bottom or heel of your foot can become thick and crack. In bad cases, the toenails get infected and can thicken, crumble, and even fall out. Fungal infection in toenails needs separate treatment.

(3) Vesicular infection usually begins with a sudden outbreak of large fluid-filled blisters under the skin. The blisters are usually on the top of the foot. But they can appear anywhere on your foot. You also can get a bacterial infection with this type of athlete’s foot.

Most of the time, a doctor can tell that you have athlete's foot by looking at your feet.He or she will also ask about your symptoms and any past fungal infections you may have had. If your athlete's foot looks unusual, or if treatment did not help you before, your doctor may take a skin or nail sample to test for fungi.

Athlete's Foot Treatments :-

You can treat most cases of athlete's foot at home with over-the-counter lotion, cream, or spray.

For bad cases, your doctor may give you a prescription for pills or for medicine you put on your skin. Use the medicine for as long as your doctor tells you to.This will help make sure that you get rid of the infection. You also need to keep your feet clean and dry. Fungi need wet, warm places to grow.

You can do some things so you don't get athlete's foot again.

Wear shower sandals in shared areas like locker rooms, and use talcum powder to help keep your feet dry. Wear shoes that let air flow easily around your feet.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreaks News

Victoria records world's worst swine flu rate.

Victoria now has the highest recorded per capita rate of swine flu in the world and is being blamed for exporting the viruses around Australia.

The Australian reports the state has already exported more than a dozen swine flu infections to other states, territories and countries, including an NRL player who contracted the illness after last week's State of Origin clash in Melbourne.

Over the weekend, Western Australia, NSW, Tasmania and South Australia all had fresh positive tests to the H1N1 strain among people returning from Victoria, with Singapore and Malaysia also attributing one new case apiece to visitors' exposure to the virus in Victoria.

Queensland Origin forward Ben Hannant, also a prop for the Bulldogs, contracted the illness after performing strongly for the Maroons in their 28-18 win in the opening Origin game in Melbourne on Wednesday.

There have not been any other reported cases of swine flu among the NSW and Queensland Origin teams to date.

Victoria yesterday left its swine flu tally unchanged at Friday's total of 874.But observers fear another surge in numbers after the weekend respite in the state's reporting ends, given its caseload more than tripled last Monday.

Other states and territories, which collectively account for fewer than 20 per cent of Australia's swine flu cases, have seen their numbers jump since Friday by 45 to 177, taking the number of cases nationally to 1051.

Western Australia took the biggest hit, with the number of confirmed diagnoses reaching 14 yesterday - up from two on Friday.

An 11-year-old boy and 23-year-old woman who had returned from Melbourne were among the new infections.

In NSW, the number of reported infections acquired in Victoria doubled since Friday from four to eight, out of a statewide tally of 82.

South Australia and Tasmania also announced one new positive test each to the disease that they attributed to exposure in Victoria.

Victoria has relaxed its testing, tracing and quarantining rules for swine flu in response to its sharply rising caseload.

It has the fourth highest number of infections worldwide after the US, Mexico and Canada, but the highest per capita load.

But, unlike those countries, it is yet to record a single death from the disease, and few hospitalisations.

International alarm over the Victorian outbreaks, however, has spread along with the virus.Malaysian newspaper New Sunday Times in Kuala Lumpur called Melbourne an epicentre for the new H1N1 strain, after an Australian student on Friday became the country's seventh confirmed swine flu case.

The unidentified student flew into Kuala Lumpur with her mother from Melbourne on an AirAsiaX flight with 258 passengers, forcing more than 140 contacts into house quarantine as authorities went into damage control.

On Saturday, Singapore called on its nationals to defer non-essential travel to Victoria.

On the same day, it announced two new swine flu diagnoses, one of which was a 23-year-old Singaporean man who went to Melbourne in late May and developed flu symptoms within the week.

Source Link :-,25197,25602993-26103,00.html

Monday, June 1, 2009

Magnetic Therapy Benefits

Amongst the array of alternative healing therapies that are in use today, the name of magnetic therapy also occupies a place.

It is basically a complementary and alternative medicine practice, which involves the use of static magnetic fields.

The core of this therapy lies in the fact that the human body as well as the earth operate under a magnetic field.

As, and when, there arises a disturbance between the magnetic power of the body and the earth; physical problems are experienced by a person.

Magnetic field therapy intends to treat the problems, by balancing the magnetic power of the body with that of the earth and covering up the magnetic deficiency arising in the former.

Looking back into the past, we see that magnetic therapy has been in use since the ancient times.

However, the use of marbles, for healing purposes, has gained popularity mainly over the past decade.

Though there are no certifiable proofs in relation to the advantages of magnet field therapy, many people claim to have vastly benefited from it, especially those suffering from depression and various muscular pains.

Health Benefits Of Magnetic Field Therapy :-

(1) Magnetic therapy has been seen to provide relief from ailments like arthritis, Achilles tendon and tendonitis.
(2) Those suffering from back bone problems have discovered immense respite after going through the therapy.
(3) If you are suffering from muscular pains, you would find magnet field therapy to be of great help.
(4) The therapy has been found to have helped in the treatment of patients suffering from sciatica and even lumbar spondylitis.
(5) Magnetic therapy comes to the aid of people who are trying to lose weight and gain back their figure.
(6) The therapy has been effectively used to heal chronic headache in a large number of people.
(7) It has been claimed that magnetic field therapy helps improve blood circulation and also increases blood oxygen.
(8) The therapy has been found to help decrease the deposition of toxic materials in the walls of blood vessels.
(9) Apart from aiding the patients of high blood pressure, magnetic therapy has been effectively used to treat depression.
(10) The people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome have been claimed to have benefited from the therapy.
(11) Magnetic field therapy has been successfully applied in the alleviation of post-surgery pain.
(12) Many people have derived stress-reduction benefits from the therapy. Some also claim it to be the perfect treatment for insomnia.
(13) People experience an increase in their energy levels, after going through magnetic therapy.
(14) This therapy has helped many people successfully get over circulatory problems.
(15) Magnetic Field therapy has been seen to have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and even faster-healing benefit.